
Import NetStumbler Data To MySQL Database

Wrote a little program that imports your NetStumbler text file export into a MySQL database. Very simple program that runs automatically using the data file uploaded into same directory. No fancy file uploading nor does it include viewing and sorting or doing anything with the data, yet. It also does not check against previous entries, so you’ll have to dump your MySQL before importing again.. The newest release checks for duplicates using MAC on import. That is up to you what you need it in a database for.

(excuse my poor versioning, etc, first time really trying to keep up with version numbers, details of improvements and GPL) – bug fix for lat/long field (thanks pixel), checks against MAC to prevent duplicates on import – added table view of data


How To Convert Zune Playlist zpl to m3u or wpl

1.  Browse to My Music under My Documents and open the Zune folder.
2.  Copy the zpl file you want to your Desktop and rename it to wpl.
3.  Open the wpl with Windows Media Player (zpl and wpl are basically very similar)
All your songs from the playlist should be in Now Playing and no other songs.
4. Right-click on the title bar to get to the hidden menu or press CTRL+M for Classic Menus.
5. Go to File > Save Now Playing List As…, then change the format to m3u or wpl.
Source: Zunescene (

You can also open m3u into Winamp. Then, using the gen_yar.dll (Yar-Matey! Playlist Copier v1.07) plugin you can export the files from the playlist to a specified folder, such as an SD card or flash drive.

Update: I found a program that will convert to m3u and pls directly from the file to a specified location.
Zune Playlist Converter by HazteK Software


NetBeans PHP Project on Dreamhost Advanced Setup

This guide will show you how to setup a PHP project in NetBeans covering a complicated situation, such as files behind public root. PHP support is new in NetBeans so hopefully this guide will help some new comers to NetBeans that want to use it for PHP websites.

What some may experience when first using an IDE such as NetBeans or Dreamweaver is the native tendency for these programs to guess what is best for you when it comes to your project paths and live site paths. One may be fustrated that when running their project off the IDE it will point them to someting like or upload their files to a similar wrong location in FTP. Especially when trying to mirror the directory structures and names locally and on the server. With the proper setup this can be avoided.


Simple Linux User Group (LUG) CMS

I wrote this simple CMS for keeping track of meetings, locations, information, and meeting archives/minutes/files of any sort of club or group events. The backend was created to CMSify the static site built by @thejonmoore of It’s not fully featured and may require some manual FTP uploading of your archives, etc, but it has just enough to play with. We ended up just using wiki for our LUG. Check out INKYLUG Indiana and Kentucky Linux Users Group.

download SimpleLUGCMS