A plugin for WordPress that gives you two widgets to show your Yahoo! Answers Questions and Starred / Favorites. These widgets have a few more options than a typical RSS feed simply loaded by an RSS widget. The statuses are reduced so they aren’t redundant (e.g. “Resolved Question:” is rewritten “Resolved:”) amung other options to toggle such as:
- Show status.
- Show category.
- Show answer count.
- Show comment count.
These are hidden by default when you create a new instance of the widget.
The widgets are built and tested on 2.9.2 with the WP_Widget class introduced for 2.8 and above.
Download at GitHub:
Screenshots: (actual appearance depends on your theme)

2 replies on “Yahoo! Answers WordPress Widgets Plugin”
Nice one, although I prefer getting the answers displayed right below the post instead of using a sidebar widget.
That makes sense if the answers are related to the post (looks like that’s what yours does). But this plugin is for your yahoo answers activity, like twitter updates, etc would be in my sidebar of a personal site.