
CSS Javascript Checker

I wrote this little script to disable a login or hide any feature of a site that requires javascript to work properly. It also gives a message that javascript should be enabled. Since you can’t do anything with javascript to check for javascript if it is disabled, it does something when it is enabled. Sure you COULD just use NOSCRIPT but this way makes it more complicated and thus fun. Plus you can get a little more fancy with it.
download it

JSChecker disabled


LAN Party Computer Prep Guide

This is a small guide for things your should do to your computer before bringing it to a LAN party. There is also a few problems and solutions to networking issues you may experience at a LAN. There are a lot of networking and support issues that occur with computers but I tried to limit it specifically to what would happen at a LAN party.


How to embed m0n0wall graphs.

Wanting to share your network traffic graph on an intranet page? Here’s how.

Creating A User:
Login to your m0n0wall firewall and go to User Manager.
Create a group called “graphs” or whatever you like and check the box for “Diagnostics: Interface Traffic – graph.php”.

You’ll notice an option further down for “status_graph.php” which is the page you visit in the m0n0wall gui to view your traffic, but this is not what we need and you’ll see why in a bit.

Next you need to create a user and assign them to the group you just created.

You are done with the User Manager now. So let’s move on to embedding the graph.

Finding The Graph Embed
Logged in as the Admin, visit your Traffic Graph page under Status. Right-Mouse Click the page and View Source.
Scroll down a bit and look for:
<embed src=”graph.php?ifnum=xl0&ifname=WAN” type=”image/svg+xml”
width=”550″ height=”275″ pluginspage=”” />

If you want to view the LAN interface, then select it in the drop box and view the source again for a different interface number and ifname=LAN

Put the embed tag into the page you want it on and add your absolute path with login and IP:


You now have a graph on your site and if someone looks at your source they cannot login to your firewall with the limited user account.

You can create multiple groups for different graphs or you can create one Graph group with one account to accessing all graphs.

Another use for this is if you just want to look at your graphs from time to time. You can create a link on your desktop to “http://graphuser:password@YOURIP/graph.php………”. This way you just open the page and do not have to login to m0n0wall.


Installing ATI drivers in Ubuntu 7.04 on Presario V2000

This worked on a fresh install of Ubuntu Feisty 7.04
on Compaq Presario V2000 laptop with ATI Radeon Xpress 200M (onboard)
Download ati-driver-installer-8.37.6-x86.x86_64 (i removed the .run, if that makes any difference)
(its for both 32/64bit)
type: sudo sh ati-driver*
(or type full name)
ATI installation gui should popup…
After thats done then go to…
System > Administration > Restricted Drivers Manager
Enable the ati driver, Reboot

To make sure its installed correctly
Open Terminal and type: fglrxinfo

This worked on kernel and continued to run games, etc after upgrade to and other updates
This also installed with already upgraded/updated

Using “aticonfig”:
The ATI installer will ask you to run “aticonfig –initial” the first time I installed it I skipped this and used the instructions above.
On a second install of Ubuntu I did run this and it failed. I don’t remember the messages exactly but it failed to write the new xorg.conf file (even with sudo). It does create a backup first though.
When trying to enable in the Restricted Drivers Manager it will fail because it says xorg does not exist.
So go into /etc/X11
sudo mv xorg.confg.original-0 xorg.conf
You can now enable it in the Restricted Drivers Manager, Reboot.

I originally installed (on previous ubuntu installation) version 8.36 but had to remove the .run (downloading from ATI driver support contains .run) and manually create several .deb packages (kernel, install, fglrx, etc). I lost those instructions but if you know what I’m talking about then you can try that if simply running the file in terminal does not work.